
Professional Custom Tattoo Artist - Hawthorn

By working with a custom tattoo artist near Hawthorn, you can "scratch the itch" for a new tattoo while making it something uniquely personal.

Bring Your Custom Tattoo Design to Life with the Help of a Professional Artist Near Hawthorn

For those who love tattoos, one is never enough; there's always the next idea, a new design, a sudden inspiration — always the desire for a fresh opportunity for some new ink. Whether you are early in the process of immersing yourself in this world of art and experience or just ready to step up to something bigger and better, you'll need a professional tattoo artist near Hawthorn to trust. After all, this is no "paint by numbers" game — a good tattoo requires bringing many elements into harmony. There's coming up with concepts for the design, sketching out the first ideas, and ultimately creating the final version to transfer onto your skin. At Sacred Monkey Tattoo, we take our responsibilities as your artists very seriously.

Do you have an idea that involves a unique spin on the traditional Japanese geisha? Perhaps there is a highly geometric design with intricate shading you'd like applied to a tricky part of your body. Whatever your goal, our artists are excited and ready to work with you. When you need a custom tattoo artist near Hawthorn, you deserve the best to make your idea a reality. You just can't substitute for quality when you want a design that will continue to look stunning even against the march of time.

Make a statement about yourself with our help

The custom design process is different for every tattoo. Some designs may come together quickly, while others may require more intensive work to get "just right." Working with one of our artists is a collaboration. Ultimately, it is your vision and desires that should take priority. We are here to lend our skills and experience to the journey. We even make it our job to see that you remain as comfortable as possible during your tattooing sessions.

We all know it can be painful, especially if you select a sensitive area of your body or skin close to a bone. That's why we offer the use of the potent Crybaby numbing cream. If you need some help making it through a particularly tough session, or even if you just want to reduce the stress you feel, ask about this fantastic product. We always have some on hand.

Walk-ins are always welcome — come and see us today

Everyone who gets a tattoo understands the sudden and intense desire for another. By working with a custom tattoo artist near Hawthorn, you can "scratch the itch" for a new tattoo while making it something uniquely personal. Like us on Facebook for information on specials, or follow our professional artists on Instagram for a sneak peek at some of their latest custom designs and incredible artwork. Ready to take the plunge on a design? Walk in, sit down, and start a conversation with one a professional today. Have other questions you'd like answered first? We understand. It's a big commitment! Visit our contact page or place a call on 03 9939 7498 for friendly help.